There is so much to do here. In the last month I've learned more about bikes, built my own road bike, taken the dogs to two of the off leash dog parks, taken the bus downtown a few times (~30min in which I can read, write or just enjoy the scenery; in a car any of those will get you killed), and fixed 98% of the problems with the house, of which there were several dozen. Oh, and I've been very, very lazy, played video games a lot, and spent probably a week's worth of time on reddit. You may not believe it, but not having a job gets old after a while.
Last night we saw Quiet, Lovely for the first time in a few years, although we had to duck out early as H's stomach bug decided to grace us with one final encore. As an aside, The Mohawk seems like a nice place to get a drink, but until they finish their outside stage, it's a bit small for a decent show. Also, why the heck would you start a show at 10 PM on a Thursday night?!?!?! People who like music sometimes have jobs, do you really think you'll sell more beer by forcing them to leave before the show is over? Tonight, Meryll plays at Stubbs. Going by last night, we should show up at about 3 AM.
I fly to Boston on Sunday to start work. According to my parents, I've been to Boston, but didn't get to see much as I was only -2 months old. Think about it. I hope I like traveling as much as I think I do.